In the morning, we requisitioned a two-cart and four horses, loaded our backpacks, and set off. In the afternoon, we arrived near Natsume-sho. There was a small hill, and we could see the palace on top of it.
Soon, we came across a large spring. We arrived at a small village with a ruined earthen wall. We were camping. There was a young Chinese man in the village. He was about 25 or 26 years old.
Japanese Corporal N captured him, said, "You must be a remnant of the enemy." wrapped him in a futon, poured oil over him and set him on fire.
The fireball lets out a hellish cry.
"Are you hot? Don't worry, you'll feel better soon." N is laughing with glee, as cruel a man as ever.
The burning youth finally jumped high into the air with all his might and then collapsed.
The troops continued to advance, from village to village and forest to forest.
Wherever we passed, our horses and cattle were stolen, our carts robbed, and our women raped.